Saturday, March 21, 2009


i already walked to walmart. bought a queen size air bed, a set of super nice sheets, holiday clearance but who cares. I don't. I also got a candle for some reason? me being goofy I guess it is just one more thing to have to pack later but it smelled nice. 2 bottles of diet 7up and 2 boxes of ice cream.

I washed the sheets and folded them up for the move so they are already for use. i did the dishes and am currently doing some other laundry. washing old bed pillows now to see how they turn out. if good I will keep them, if bad then I will buy new ones.

it is such a beautiful day i want to go back to walmart but the kids don't want to go. :(

i watched the movie Repo with hannah today too. good movie except for the gore in it.

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